
Rock band from Ligurian west coast since 2012

Outside | Rassegna Stampa

Outside | Rassegna Stampa

La rassegna stampa del nuovo disco dei Roommates, "Outside". Recensioni, articoli e opinioni sul terzo disco studio della Alternative Rock Band ligure ...more


December 29, 20244 min read



I Roommates annunciano l’uscita di 'Same', il singolo che esplora i rapporti interpersonali con una feroce ironia e il rock che li contraddistingue. ...more


September 10, 20243 min read

Friend Or Foe

Friend Or Foe

Uscito il nuovo singolo, secondo del nuovo album, dal titolo "Friend or Foe". Un brano che parla di amici e nemici, insieme a due collaborazioni di tutto rilievo: Nick Oliveri e Diego Cavallotti ...more


May 22, 20243 min read

We've been sharing the stage as musicians since 2012, but Roommates are so much more than just a band. In these 10 years we have become a real family, taking our alternative rock with a strong emotional impact around Italy with the passion and energy that distinguish us, constantly searching for the emotion that comes from total involvement of the public that follows us and the one who discovers us for the first time.

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